Durante a COPA 2014, em Cuiabá, ocorreu o XII Festival de Siriri e Cururu, onde foram fotografadas diversas apresentações de grupos folclóricos de dança, incluindo os Mascarados e indígenas de diversas etnias, mostrando a diversidade cultural mato-grossense, fruto da convivência entre os colonizadores portugueses, índios e negros africanos.
A partir destas imagens, em 2018, foram realizadas uma série de composições que proporcionam uma experiência visual mais pessoal e multidimensional, saindo da fotografia documental para chegar à fotografia conceitual, através da abstração figurativa.
A conjugação dos recortes das imagens originais fornece outras imagens que evocam o gênero oposto ao personagem central, o que podemos perceber a ambiguidade e a integração do feminino e masculino nos dípticos e polípticos.
Série selecionada no VI Festival Internacional de Fotografia Bolívia - FOTOFEST 2018.
During COPA 2014, in Cuiabá, the XII Festival of Siriri and Cururu took place, where several presentations of folk dance groups were photographed, including Masquerades and indigenous people of different ethnicities, showing the cultural diversity of Mato Grosso, the result of the coexistence between the Portuguese colonizers, Indians and African blacks.
From these images, in 2018, a series of compositions were made that provide a more personal and multidimensional visual experience, moving from documentary photography to conceptual photography, through figurative abstraction.
The combination of cutouts from the original images provides other images that evoke the opposite gender to the central character, which we can see the ambiguity and the integration of female and male in each set of two diptychs.
Series selected at the VI International Festival of Photography Bolivia - FOTOFEST 2018.
From these images, in 2018, a series of compositions were made that provide a more personal and multidimensional visual experience, moving from documentary photography to conceptual photography, through figurative abstraction.
The combination of cutouts from the original images provides other images that evoke the opposite gender to the central character, which we can see the ambiguity and the integration of female and male in each set of two diptychs.
Series selected at the VI International Festival of Photography Bolivia - FOTOFEST 2018.

Movimento I - Cururueiro

Movimento II - Siririeira

Movimento III - Mascarado

Movimento IV - Siririeira

Movimento V - Indígena

Movimento VI - Siririeira

Movimento VII - Mascarado e Indígena

Movimento VIII - Dança do Siriri