Ano 2020, vejo o mundo diferente, o racional não é o imperador dos meus sentidos. A falta de foco no meu cotidiano me deixa confusa e meu movimento deixa rastros. Não controlo nada e o imprevisível é uma metáfora de vida.
Arrogância, egoísmo e ineficiência levaram a proliferação do vírus que veio mostrar o quão fragmentada e desigual é a sociedade que habito. A menor partícula viva destruiu Golias, no corpo humano a enzima AC2 do pulmão (metáfora para o ar coletivo) e do coração (metáfora para o afeto) é inativada pelo COVID19, levando a falência dos órgãos.
Só depois da morte deste sistema social carcomido, outros corpos extra sistema poderão viver e coexistir livremente. Não há como escapar, a menos que rompamos, intencionalmente, com o doloroso "status quo" vigente, dissolvendo a espuma social, para que não mais existam pessoas des-imunes e imunes às leis, nem obsessões que dominem a gestão política sobre a vida e a morte.
A sociedade sairá desta anestesia social em que se encontra? Para que isso ocorra, a solidariedade deverá ser a narrativa universal e a forma de resistência.
As imagens foram produzidas em longa exposição com múltiplas camadas, utilizando o celular, durante os 100 primeiros dias da pandemia, onde fiquei confinada sem sair do meu apartamento.
Trabalho selecionado nas convocatórias: Capullo Exposición Internacional, Uruguai (on-line, 2020); Por dentro de um tempo suspenso (on-line, 2020).
Year 2020, I see the world differently, the rational is not the emperor of my senses. The lack of focus in my daily life makes me confused and my movement leaves traces. I don't control anything and the unpredictable is a metaphor for life.
Arrogance, selfishness and inefficiency led to the proliferation of the virus that showed how fragmented and unequal the society I inhabit is. The smallest living particle destroyed Goliath, in the human body the AC2 enzyme in the lung (a metaphor for collective air) and in the heart (a metaphor for affection) is inactivated by COVID19, leading to organ failure.
Only after the death of this decayed social system, other extra-system bodies will be able to live and coexist freely. There is no way to escape, unless we intentionally break with the painful "status quo" in force, dissolving the social foam, so that there are no longer immune people and immune to the laws, nor obsessions that dominate the political management of life is the death.
Will society come out of this social anesthesia in which it finds itself? For this to happen, solidarity must be the universal narrative and the form of resistance.
Arrogance, selfishness and inefficiency led to the proliferation of the virus that showed how fragmented and unequal the society I inhabit is. The smallest living particle destroyed Goliath, in the human body the AC2 enzyme in the lung (a metaphor for collective air) and in the heart (a metaphor for affection) is inactivated by COVID19, leading to organ failure.
Only after the death of this decayed social system, other extra-system bodies will be able to live and coexist freely. There is no way to escape, unless we intentionally break with the painful "status quo" in force, dissolving the social foam, so that there are no longer immune people and immune to the laws, nor obsessions that dominate the political management of life is the death.
Will society come out of this social anesthesia in which it finds itself? For this to happen, solidarity must be the universal narrative and the form of resistance.
The images were produced in long exposure with multiple layers, using the cell phone, during the first 100 days of the pandemic, where I was confined without leaving my apartment.
Work selected in the calls: Capullo Exposición Internacional, Uruguay (online, 2020); For within a suspended time (online, 2020).