A proposta desta mostra fotográfica é apresentar a intervenção do espaço urbano operando na fronteira entre o real e a ilusão, entre o objetivo e o subjetivo. O momento capturado é cristalizado através da fotografia produzida a partir do reflexo em fragmentos de espelhos, com o intuito de gerar um olhar reflexivo sobre a própria realidade e do quanto estamos habituados a pensar de forma cartesiana como meros observadores que não interferem na realidade dada.
Ao desconstruir a imagem original, multiplicando-a, deformando-a ou diluindo-a em uma espécie de névoa, oníricamente, somos sensibilizados a superar a frieza da visão perante as imagens que se apresentam. Assim como na vida, a realidade fotografada se expressa de infinitas formas, tantas quantos forem os espelhos que a recebe e irradia sua essência, tantas quanto pudermos atuar ativamente transformando-a.
Janelas de dezessete cidades em oito países foram fotografados.
A exposição foi realizada em 2016 no Museu Histórico de Mato Grosso. Cuiabá.
The purpose of this photographic exhibition is to present the intervention of urban space operating on the border between the real and the illusion, between the objective and the subjective. The captured moment is crystallized through photography produced from the reflection in mirror fragments, with the aim of generating a reflective look on reality itself and on how much we are used to thinking in a Cartesian way as mere observers who do not interfere in the given reality.
By deconstructing the original image, multiplying it, deforming it or diluting it into a kind of mist, we are sensitized to overcome the coldness of vision when faced with the images that present themselves. As in life, the photographed reality expresses itself in infinite ways, as many as there are mirrors that receive it and radiate its essence, as many as we can actively act transforming it.
Windows of seventeen cities in eight countries were photographed between 2014 and 2015.
The exhibition was held in 2016 at the Museu Histórico de Mato Grosso. Cuiabá.
By deconstructing the original image, multiplying it, deforming it or diluting it into a kind of mist, we are sensitized to overcome the coldness of vision when faced with the images that present themselves. As in life, the photographed reality expresses itself in infinite ways, as many as there are mirrors that receive it and radiate its essence, as many as we can actively act transforming it.
Windows of seventeen cities in eight countries were photographed between 2014 and 2015.
The exhibition was held in 2016 at the Museu Histórico de Mato Grosso. Cuiabá.
Expografia da mostra fotográfica Janelas (In)Visíveis para o Mundo