Minha prática artística se concentra na pesquisa dos processos psíquicos que permeiam meu cotidiano e que fragilizam minha sensibilidade corpórea. Mapeio meu corpo relacionando-o com o corpo-casa, corpo-cidade, corpo-água e corpo-floresta, pesquisando de forma holística, causas e consequências a partir de uma perspectiva biopsicossocioambiental. Ao buscar explicações em base de dados científicos, eu identifico unidades de significado e conceitos, que traduzo em imagens.
Esta abordagem deve-se à minha formação na área da saúde, como farmacêutica industrial, especialista em plantas medicinais, homeopatia e mestrado em Saúde e Ambiente.
Realizo trabalhos, quase que simultaneamente, ora em ambientes internos ora externos, de forma solitária e intimista, o que permite a alternância necessária para a decantação emocional e a recuperação do meu corpo.
Para mim, a vivência do processo criativo é uma catarse, uma forma de me libertar e resgatar o valor da vida, esperando proporcionar ao espectador transformações emancipadoras, com possibilidades de vivenciar outras experiências que fogem ao modelo socioambiental vigente e hegemônico.
My artistic practice focuses on researching the psychic processes that permeate my daily life and that weaken my bodily sensitivity. I map my body relating it to the body-house, body-city, body-water and body-forest, researching causes and consequences holistically from a biopsychosocial-environmental perspective. I seek explanations in scientific databases, identifying units of meaning and concepts that I translate into images.
This approach is due to my training in the health sector, as an industrial pharmacist, specialist in medicinal plants, homeopathy and a master's degree in Health and Environment.
I carry out work, almost simultaneously, sometimes indoors and sometimes outdoors, in a solitary and intimate way, which allows the necessary alternation for emotional decantation and recovery of my body.
For me, experiencing the creative process is a catharsis, a way to free myself and rescue the value of life, hoping to provide the viewer with emancipatory transformations, with possibilities of experiencing other experiences that deviate from the current and hegemonic socio-environmental model.
This approach is due to my training in the health sector, as an industrial pharmacist, specialist in medicinal plants, homeopathy and a master's degree in Health and Environment.
I carry out work, almost simultaneously, sometimes indoors and sometimes outdoors, in a solitary and intimate way, which allows the necessary alternation for emotional decantation and recovery of my body.
For me, experiencing the creative process is a catharsis, a way to free myself and rescue the value of life, hoping to provide the viewer with emancipatory transformations, with possibilities of experiencing other experiences that deviate from the current and hegemonic socio-environmental model.